Matematični adventni koledar
Osnovnošolci (8. in 9. razred) in dijaki ste vabljeni, da se preizkusite v reševanju matematičnih nalog v Matematičnem adventnem koledarju.
Tekmovali boste v treh kategorijah: 8. in 9. razred, 1. in 2. letnik in 3. in 4. letnik.
Z matematičnim adventnim koledarjem se boste zabavali od 2. do 21. decembra 2022. Za vsako nalogo imate na voljo en dan (od polnoči do polnoči).
V vsaki tekmovalni kategoriji bomo podelili največ tri enakovredne nagrade: nahrbtnik.
Tekmujejo lahko samo osnovnošolci (8. in 9. razred) in dijaki in sicer tako, da ustvarite svoj račun tukaj.
3. in 4. letnik SŠ: Peter Andolšek, David Kovačič, Alina Jelenič in Stanislav Sandler
Vsem nagrajencem iskreno čestitamo!
Z letošnjim letom se Matematični adventni koledar zaključuje. Hvala vsem, ki ste se tekmovanj udeležili in upamo, da se srečamo pri kakem drugem tekmovanju!
Elementary School students (8th and 9th year) and High School students are invited to compete in solving problems as part of the Mathematical Advent Calendar.
The competitors are divided into three categories: 1st level (Elementary School, 2nd level (High School, first and second year) and 3rd level (High School, third and fourth year).
You will have fun with the Mathematical Advent Calendar from December 2nd to December 21st 2022.
One day (24 hours) is available to solve each problem (from midnight till midnight).
In each category, at most three awards will be given; each will be a backpack.
Only high school and Elementary School students (8th and 9th year) can compete; they must
create an account here.
Others can join here.
The rules of the quiz are available here.
Exercises were prepared by Bojan Kuzma, Blas Fernandes, Besfort Shala, Mihael Perman, Maja Pohar, Jasna Prezelj, Ana Zalokar, Žiga Velkavrh
Editing: Martin Raič, Martin Milanič, Jasna Prezelj
This year's awards go to:
N3: Peter Andolšek, David Kovačič, Alina Jelenič in Stanislav Sandler
This was the last Mathematical Advent Calendar. We thank all the competitors and hope to see you at other future competitions!
Kontakt / Contact: Tehnična pomoč / technical support